Review, Life and the Consequence.

This will be a really short commentary. It’s not great, probably good when in the right mood. The beginning was paced so slowly to build suspense. However when you know what the premise of the movie is then all the suspense built to the shock horror feels dragged out rather than tense and organic. The comedy is quite terse and out of place.
On the whole, I only really enjoyed the last 15 minutes or so, which was what I expected really out of the movie. At least I learn one thing from the movie. Any single character with any sort of back story (whether relevant or necessary to the movie) usually means they’ll survive any onslaught that’s thrown at them.
At least I got to see a new yummy asian actor, Yao Chin. (2nd form the right) Note: Not the best picture of him. He is SO much hotter in motion.
Here’s a screencap, he’s the (d’oh) asian guy there. Oh yea, it was a real treat to see hottie “Eomer” there too :D

Must buy new shoes. I have a tendency to buy one pair and use it till it falls apart at the segments. I love sneaker but how come the ones I really love are all so terribly expensive. I’m such shoe-o-holic. Except I can’t afford to indulge in it, so many I’m a wanna-shor-o-holic. Too bad I spend too much on my computer games and MMORPG’s.
Consequence: I didn’t sleep this weekend. Trying to fill my limited weekend time up, I ended up with a sleepless weekend. When I awoke on Saturday noon, I rushed up to get to the Subang, ss15 Drive-through Mickey Ds. I was running a little late for my Role-playing game (Call of Chtulhu), while trying to formulate the next game I plan to run sometime next month or two later. That segwayed into dinner and a movie (DOOM). I got a call that evening to reschedule a night appointment for a movie on Sunday morning (next day).
So I decided on making some impromptu plans with friends around the area. It turned out to be an all night affair at the cybercafé playing games. Its 9 am in the morning and I decide it’s not worth going back to sleep at home and wit out the next hour to meet my friend. He booked us tickets to watch … DOOM. I can barely stay awake but I do.
It actually a slightly better the second time around when you’re halfway conscious and not really paying attention to anything in the movie. After that it lead to the evening where I finally got home, and yet I still did not lay my head for rest. I finished some household chores and stuff and had my obligatory weekend MMORPG fix and slept at my usual daily time of 2.00 -3.30 am.
I’m going to go insane one of these days, if not moreso than I am now. And that all I’m going to recount. And no, I did now have sex like I intended to with anyone this weekend.
Why I mention this, is because I’m willing to admit that I do think about sex very often (research says the average for a male person is about, every 7 second interval or was it 11?) And will gladly admit to such thought in public.
After all, I seem to be in NO danger of fulfilling it