An exercise in futility?
Why do I even have a blog? I'm not entirely certain.
I mean, who acutally come in here to this part of webspace and read this. So I understand that blogging is a very public way of sharing information and updates on your life, perspective and stuff with friends. family and often strangers. It a contact to those you know and a link to keep them informed as well as be 'famous' far and large by the public surfing community.
Where do I fall in ?
For me, the only measure is the commentary (or lack thereof) to indicate whethis this blog acutally has a open purpose. If its lacking, then is there something not 'working' properly with my blog. Those placer ads for Blogging and Online Jounals lie then.
I do NOT connect to friends and family and keep them informed with the blog. I am NOT connected to any like-minded community at large.
I should sue the web.
By the way, ( I said to myself), I should put a 'Rate this hottie' thingie on the side every week. No?