Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The New Year Begins

2006: I will now use a new format to better organize my ramblings.

Its has slowed down a bit. No complaints really. But it should pick up again closer to Chinese New year in approximately a weeks time. Then after that, it'll die down again. Ar least for the designing portion, coz there's lots of events and launches lined up after Chinese New year - sigh.

Hopefully getting consistent with my attendance. If nothing else I SHOULD be going at least 3 times a week, come hell and high snow! I really want to see some changes in my body before it betrays me inevitably.
On the other hand, I really really would like a workout buddy and someone to go with me (mutual support is a fantastic motivator).

Feeling really depressed and angry at the same time, the simmering sort of angry. I know I shouldn't and its in the past - it should SO be behind me. But I I can't help feeling just a little pissed and sad finding out that my ex was dating someone right after (or during - if not was waiting to date someone), the minute we broke up. :( I could try and get the whole story but that'll just be digging up stuff unecessary, I should really really really move on.
But at the very least I'm happy that he's Happier than he was with me. After all, he meant no offense by mentioning to me he's a lot happier with his new guy than he was with me. None at all ...

My Aunt (Fathers side) passed away just a couple of hours ago.
There's been a lot more deaths and funerals I've been acquainted to in the last few years. But thats life I suppose, though it seems not to bode well for the rest of the year. Its getting way too familiar. Once to twice a year can be taxing for the soul.
Not a good way to start of the new year.

Little of it, much less in severe withdrawal.
Had 2 horrible - technically ONE horrible date. The other one was a botched attempt at a semblance of a date.

On the other hand, I had a real nice time meeting up impromptu with this guy in USJ a couple of nights ago. Nice guy, lives in USJ as well. :D Yea! Also planning to meet up with my ex's current work colleague (grinz).
Been trying to call up some contacts from the rest of the year but my timing stinks and I can't seem to catch them and them me on a free day / night.
Its all rather ... messed up in a manner unbecoming of worth.

All the best for Adjay on finding a KICK ASS job this coming year - to Dann, that his stint in Azizul plays out to be a might profitable one, Vince, another year of domestic bliss with Brian. Priya - EMAIL! and dish out the details of the many things and events you keep hinting about! Yes, I use email now!
Boon Ying - Get a better paying job than yer DTP stint, ya deserve it, all the best!