Parties and Games (RPGs and Slosh)
Its been a long time since I've been to a slosh party. Much less a gay one.
I'll try and see if I can ask for peek previews digi-shots of the night.
The invitation was from Zam (yummy!) and it was a welcome event to my otherwise dreary-packed nights. Of course everyone would be new to me, having only known some as acquaintances and really only getting to know a few of them recently.
Let's recap.
Zam, Ray, Ezra, Azri, Vince, me, Taufiq, Aaron, Ezras (str8) cousin, Barry, and 2 estrogen making machines - Sonia + Caroline (who I have not seen for ages!). ... and the alcohol of course.
Now Caroline was someone I knew about 4 - 5 years ago from college, and we've lost contact. We weren't fast friends but we did share a mutual set of friends now and there. It was a small-world-kinda-pleasant surprise meet. On the whole, she was high on alcohol - then again, who wasn't at the party.
Ah, nostalgic. All the drama, hype, make-out (phew! heavy handed) sessions; even the single str8 guy was getting some action!. So I kinda felt left out of the loop of things. I had little with the connection of the group and its personal dynamics and histories.But it was still a fun, welcome experience. ... and Azri is gorgeous!
and all in some out of the way, valley-hill in the middle of no-mans land out-on-the-patio on rugs with snack-and-booze scenarios - sigh.
Let do it again!
I started my campaign (rpg) game last Saturday. I really hope to turn it into another long running campaign again and make it consistent. It seems like a good time to have something like that.
Its a slightly altered system.
I did not want to intriduce too many new concepts and rules that strayed from DnD 3.5. It familiar to my players and I know most wouldnt want to do extra nnumber crunching or learn too many new things. Its simply not the group play style. It should be rules-light and casual extensive - but of course with real flavour and solid mechanics.
Took me a break of about 10 months or so to finally get to where I'm confortable with what I've set my players. Some simplified numbers, easier levelling- more customization, more dynamic rolling and some more based numbers rather than an entirely whole random set of rolls (time save).
I think it'll be ok, but only time will tell
I hope they like it.