Monday, February 27, 2006

Day of Birth celebrations and aftermath.

So the party pics are coming a little late.
I'm actually waiting on the pics for Marc's party in December and Zam's pics early this month (Feb).
Azri is still a hottie - althos Zam is just as delicious! Ezra is definitely not too far behind - in fact relatively close to the other two in my impossibly-wanting-to-sleep-with list.

Overall my weekend was uhmm, mixed.


I did my EPF. I was impressed at the efficiency of this particualr government matters of handling EPf and stuff. It was quick, painless and effificient.
I accompanied a friend (Kristin) to a straight bar in Bangsar for a friends birthday gathering in 'Social' and to check out a guy she's been crushing on. Not bad a guy, at first nothing to look at - but when I began talking to him, I was impressed ... and attracted myself (LOL) :D Boy, was there a lot of str8 guys there I'd sleep with!


Had a game - ran for a couple of hours. Cutie str8 - ex-player Darrian dropped by. Got thoroughly bored at night and drove about and ended up at Kristin's talking about exp the night before.
At midnight, I
got a call from my ex, wishing me a happy birthday. I was ... feeling mixed.
I loved hearing from him, and it only reminds me of how much I miss him, tho' I am still sore that he put me through heck just to have me do the break-up routine only to date someone else in about a week after our 'official' word. ARgh!
I can only reassure myself constantly by saying its all in the past and that I'm so much better of just letting it go. Bygones.

Yea, it was my birthday. Personally uneventful and for the most part unnoticed especially by my new White Wolf 'Demon' group. Of which I ran their first game - adequately well today. Character cr
eation for half of them and a full prelude was completed. Short but enough - since I was already beginning to suffer from a light migraine.
I must admit to being somewhat annoyed I was called by Yee Von to fetch her from the house 15 minutes before the game began. I wouldn't have minded at all if she had told me the night before that she *might* need a ride or if she informed me befire I made my morning errands.
Night - early as it was, I was tapped out. Perhaps it was the conflicting emotional state brought on my the familiar uninspiring (as always every year) birthday. Perhaps it was the trial of going through 2 new game sessions (campaigns: one with veteran players and the other with new players). Whatever it was, I missed watching Oprah's interview on the stars Heath and Jake on the movie Brokeback Mountains which I was waiting to see.
The phenomonen of Brokeback M. intrigued me.
You can find it on and all over the net; the reactions of the fans of Ang Lee's latest work.

A personal latest pic of mine taken .. early Feb 2006.

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My hot new co-worker!

I've decided since no one reads this damn blog - i'm posting every single un-PC thought in my head - names and ALL!