Catching up on the Line
I have to go this ... "refresh and restart" thing about myself every now and then.
Its like when I get something going - its difficult enough to maintain because life and (groan!) gets in the way. Often enough and recently enough, its work. All about work. Bah ...
There's a tonnage of back log- backdated ideas, concepts, art and shit shit shit ! I'm so upset with myself sometimes. Even keeping this blog is becoming erratic enbough.
Ok, so I got this list of things to do.
Perhaps exclaiming out into cyberspace will help.
1. Finish some Artwork for MuscleGrowth forumites.
2. Finish some Tarot Cards for a online person.
3. Do some webcomics (quick and dirty - sigh) for GBspot OR writing articles!
4. Keep track of sign-ups like for Silversoft group
Of course, to try and revive some semblance of life.
I tried out for some *ahem* - media auditions, for a ... wlel thats old news anwyays.
New news:-
I've contacted several groups for local theatre, hopefully none too professional.
In fact, one in particular is a smattering and collection of amatuers who seem to be making a name for themselves.
The Oral Stage has a couple of things lined up ... perhaps I'll be able to participate. Practically a virgin in these circumstances, I'm always willing to try nonetheless.
Well ,thats the short and sweet of stuff.
Oh yea,
last month - bad month. relatives fell ill, my car broek down twice, i got bumpered twice and at the end someone broke into my car smashing my back window and stole ... well nothing valuable cash-wuse. But several months of RPG-work and conceps in my sling bad and a jacket. Again old news ... cant dwell on that.