And the artworld saddens. Hildebrant, Tim
One of the greats,
One of the fantasy muses,
One of my personal art heores,
Master illustrator and imagineer.
Tim Hildebrant
June 11th 2006.
He got me started into what Ido. Though I loved reading fantasy/sci-fi books and was always awed by the art on the covers - The Hildebrant brothers often came out with small shorts or how they did they're work. It gave me an insights into what I came to love as a lifelong expression. They (Hildebrant brothers) made me feel like I could do those wonderful things as well. Bring magic alive like those images could evoke. I could do it too.
I know, I should update these blogs more - and probably with stuff that may or may not happen. Stuff like joining what-nots and so-nots competitions and trying out for thatrecial acting. But yes, its something as shattering as this thats gets me posting. Funny aint it.
I think he's gone, but when I look around my room and see his wonderful work and art, perhaps he's never really leave. But yea, I'm fucking sad too.
Shit! I'm almost crying but I cant coz I leave for work soon. But I'm bloody sure he'll always be dear and great - to me and everyone else in his highest esteem (peers and fans alike). 47 years ... I should be so lucky to be able to follow in his stead one day.
Thank you.
Hildebrant works: (stuff like 70s Tolkien art, the original Star Wars posters, etc).
(All following are the property and works of Hildebrant Brothers, I'm just showing the world what they did for those who loved them and those yet to discover their magic)

And the day moves on.
So what was covered last.
Oh yea, the fact that I have not done any of those art sketches from the previous update. For a reminder, I'll post them again lest I forget.
Hmm, besides waiting for the Oral Stage auditions, it seems that on the 28th MAY Sunday- Armada Hotel, PJ, FLY FM is having its FLYDOL. A radio Dee-Jock audition I believe. Its between 1 - 5 pm. Oh heck, I'll try that too. I've tried everything else this year (LOL)!
On the other hand, I'm loving Ian.
There, I hope this embarasses him, the closet case (muaks!)
1. Finish some Artwork for MuscleGrowth forumites.
2. Finish some Tarot Cards for a online person.
3. Do some webcomics (quick and dirty - sigh) for GBspot OR writing articles!
4. Keep track of sign-ups like for Silversoft group
Catching up on the Line
I have to go this ... "refresh and restart" thing about myself every now and then.
Its like when I get something going - its difficult enough to maintain because life and (groan!) gets in the way. Often enough and recently enough, its work. All about work. Bah ...
There's a tonnage of back log- backdated ideas, concepts, art and shit shit shit ! I'm so upset with myself sometimes. Even keeping this blog is becoming erratic enbough.
Ok, so I got this list of things to do.
Perhaps exclaiming out into cyberspace will help.
1. Finish some Artwork for MuscleGrowth forumites.
2. Finish some Tarot Cards for a online person.
3. Do some webcomics (quick and dirty - sigh) for GBspot OR writing articles!
4. Keep track of sign-ups like for Silversoft group
Of course, to try and revive some semblance of life.
I tried out for some *ahem* - media auditions, for a ... wlel thats old news anwyays.
New news:-
I've contacted several groups for local theatre, hopefully none too professional.
In fact, one in particular is a smattering and collection of amatuers who seem to be making a name for themselves.
The Oral Stage has a couple of things lined up ... perhaps I'll be able to participate. Practically a virgin in these circumstances, I'm always willing to try nonetheless.
Well ,thats the short and sweet of stuff.
Oh yea,
last month - bad month. relatives fell ill, my car broek down twice, i got bumpered twice and at the end someone broke into my car smashing my back window and stole ... well nothing valuable cash-wuse. But several months of RPG-work and conceps in my sling bad and a jacket. Again old news ... cant dwell on that.
JItters and Photo Virgins
First off
I just got a whole bunch of piccies taken (WOOT!), I've never had this many piccies of me taken so recently and in a single week! I went for a short thingie (farewell) at Social (Bangsar) - Kristin's friend, Maxine was flying to SIA training in SingSing the next day.
Then I accompanied Kristin the next night at Starbucks and we snapped cellphone snappies at the carpark :p
Hope I get to see them and .. *ahem* prettify them soon!
I'm pretty sure there's still a lot of single guys out there I might like to meet. But instead of waiting coz I never know - should do something, right? At least something thats more than just sitting around wondering if there's anyone whos interested in me that I find attractive. Screw that!
I'm gonna ask Zam out on a date (MUAHAHAHA) .... as soon as I can afford it next month. :p
Just a simple dinner date, though it has been long since I've been on one. (sigh)
Wish me luck ...
Friday Faust!
Read all about it in Barry's Blog.
Friday Faust!
Day of Birth celebrations and aftermath.
So the party pics are coming a little late.
I'm actually waiting on the pics for Marc's party in December and Zam's pics early this month (Feb). Azri is still a hottie - althos Zam is just as delicious! Ezra is definitely not too far behind - in fact relatively close to the other two in my impossibly-wanting-to-sleep-with list.
Overall my weekend was uhmm, mixed.
I did my EPF. I was impressed at the efficiency of this particualr government matters of handling EPf and stuff. It was quick, painless and effificient. I accompanied a friend (Kristin) to a straight bar in Bangsar for a friends birthday gathering in 'Social' and to check out a guy she's been crushing on. Not bad a guy, at first nothing to look at - but when I began talking to him, I was impressed ... and attracted myself (LOL) :D Boy, was there a lot of str8 guys there I'd sleep with!
Had a game - ran for a couple of hours. Cutie str8 - ex-player Darrian dropped by. Got thoroughly bored at night and drove about and ended up at Kristin's talking about exp the night before. At midnight, I got a call from my ex, wishing me a happy birthday. I was ... feeling mixed.
I loved hearing from him, and it only reminds me of how much I miss him, tho' I am still sore that he put me through heck just to have me do the break-up routine only to date someone else in about a week after our 'official' word. ARgh!
I can only reassure myself constantly by saying its all in the past and that I'm so much better of just letting it go. Bygones.
Sun: Yea, it was my birthday. Personally uneventful and for the most part unnoticed especially by my new White Wolf 'Demon' group. Of which I ran their first game - adequately well today. Character creation for half of them and a full prelude was completed. Short but enough - since I was already beginning to suffer from a light migraine.
I must admit to being somewhat annoyed I was called by Yee Von to fetch her from the house 15 minutes before the game began. I wouldn't have minded at all if she had told me the night before that she *might* need a ride or if she informed me befire I made my morning errands.
Night - early as it was, I was tapped out. Perhaps it was the conflicting emotional state brought on my the familiar uninspiring (as always every year) birthday. Perhaps it was the trial of going through 2 new game sessions (campaigns: one with veteran players and the other with new players). Whatever it was, I missed watching Oprah's interview on the stars Heath and Jake on the movie Brokeback Mountains which I was waiting to see.
The phenomonen of Brokeback M. intrigued me. You can find it on and all over the net; the reactions of the fans of Ang Lee's latest work.
A personal latest pic of mine taken .. early Feb 2006.
Space Reserved
My hot new co-worker! Keith!
ps: I've decided since no one reads this damn blog - i'm posting every single un-PC thought in my head - names and ALL!