Friday, December 30, 2005

Reading between the Holidays

So lets say I did something meaningful this year.
That'll be too much to cover of course.
Or too little.

So I'll settle for the time period between the holidays.
Specifically X-Mas and New Years (or Chinese New year: dog)

It was pleasant enough.
As it happens this is the kind of week most enjoy. The Xmas weekend makes the following Monday a holiday (Boxing Day) and exactly one weekend later its New Years which allows another Monday holidays. So there's this dearth of a period between the two celebrations.

I spent the Thursday (22) having a nice meal with old friends from years back - 1997. Yea, old friends who through the years have erratically stayed in touch. Shout out- SWEE CHIN & MUN CHOY! The food was kinda bad, its was a Thai restaurant called Sol (or Soi) in Pan Global Hotel. It really wasn't great so say the least. Perhaps lackluster and the service left something to be desired. Without going into details, the ambience is 'pretty, the mood disappointing but the company fantastic and reminiscent.

Something about old friends which automatically revert EVERYONE at the table back to their early college days. I mean, there actually is some visible effort to update on whats happening currently to each other (on a deeper level and not conversationally) through the rampant hilarity and nostalgia and new snide commentary and snerks. But it gets there. The jibing never ends of course.

Fri (23) night was spent having dinner with family and thne short - well, not so short gaming cybercafe session with my cybercafe 'kaki', ex-college mates and co-conspirators in the advertising world friends ADJAY & DANN! Played till dawn, at least when the soft glow of dawn appeared. which leads us into ...

SAT (24), on Chistmas Eve. There was a short game, realy short coz half my players had other appointments to keep for the rest of the evening - dinner plans. But the remainder deicede to gallavant about the township and just ... hang. Seems to be a recurring them don't it :D Our other DM was off tour-guiding in Korea. Hope he brings back lotsa of pictures of cute Korean guys, preferably ones he hasn't slept with. :p
At least I got my character creation process running!
ADJAY had a birthday (kinda) STEAMBOAT dinner at Sunway (Yu-en Rest.). Unfortunately I was late, so I missed most of the food. Was sending my RPG players back to their respective homes. Damansara and then Puchong then backtracking to Subang then off to the steamboat at Sunway. (phew ...)
But this allowed a short opportunity to try and reconnect.
I met Boon Ying, and though I've met her several times before at Dann's steamboat (same place) birthday dinner - I got a chance to sit and chat with her. Well, in her car as she was sending me to my parked car. Sat for quite a while catching up and chatting. Felt nice to reconnect with an old friend.

CHRISTMAS SUNDAY! This was spent mostly with another friend, Yee Von who was gracious enough to allow the 3 of us to hangout at her pace and just ... hang. Games and stuff, and something different for my weekend of course. Yee Von is a friend of Adjay and Dann's whom I've recenly gotten acquainted with personally though I'm pretty sure we shared a number of friends in common. Its one of those degrees of separation things I suppose.
I've lured he back in RPG though. How Evil of me. White Wolf no less.

Monday, me hung about at home.

The rest of the week till now was ... semi work.

Because of the hiatus I took (about a month)- I really want to get back onto the swing of exercising at the gym regularly. I see some changes though like most, (I guess) I want to shrink my tummy to a falt scoreboard of rippled abs and of course a chest thats NOT the same circumference as the waist.

I have my motivations, however weak of course.
but they're there, somewhat intact and ... chuggin along.

As for the rest of the week (hours anwyays) leading up to New Years.
its random and hopefully fun spontaneity.
No plans so far.

*fingers crossed for something meaningful and/or fun.

Sidenote: I bumped into Esquire at the gym, he's looking good of course, between his studies and going to the fym everyday he really is starting to shape up to something he can admire. I just hope his new path or perspective on himself and life doesnt change his relationships and friendships .... who am I kidding, of course it will.
Just hoping its doesn;t invilve cutting his RPG friends/company out.
I invited him to rejoin our group. Mostly our of courtesy and to see if he really wants to partake in our company once agan. I fear I've lost another friend to 'evolution' - as they go through stages of friends until they stick to something that becomes a life pattern, be it everchanging or not. Am I making sense here?

1 Get into shape, at least one I like. Preferably a body like Mark Wahlberg. YES!
2 Continue to reconnect with old friends
3 Be nicer in general
4 Find someone to care for romantically (isn't it always ...)
5 Empahsis on the above
6 Go on more DATES! I went on only ... uhmm well technically 2 this year. -ONLY-
7 Regain my fabulous self
8 Get a new image (I hope)
9 Find some way to reconcile my love for art, design, music and acting and MAKE MONEY OFF IT!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Blogging Again.

Long story short.
Sypnosisistic if you will.

I'm feeling more single than ever (romantically) - trying to realize that some relationships were doomed deom thje start regardless and I can only do so many things, and not all right for my partner.
When things were starting to look beter at home, it really doesn't. Closed doors and unspoken resentment and all those yummy family complications rolled up int oa ball of redefining relaitonships, caught between parent and child to adult and adult.

I'm also sexually frustrated having been denied a chance at some hanky panky at a party recently.

But a shout-out! :
Its always a pleasure to attend you birthdays/annual party of the year events!
Now ifs time to do your duty and set me up with may of you cute --> hunky --- > attractive friends and acquaintances!

Ok, I think I'm done for the day.

Maybe pictures next time. Maybe.

Another one falls ...

For me For me!

He's single again!


Too badm he's nowhere living close to me geographically. I'll have to find some other way to console the poor sod :(

-sighs and swoons-